NYC DOE Educators

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The New York City Council funds History UnErased's work with New York City Public Schools. All opportunities on this page are available at no cost to individual educators and schools.

K-12 educators and school staff earn CTLE credits for attending one of our monthly virtual PL sessions. CTLE credits are also provided for attending any PL for individual schools.

Log in to your account or request your school's unique access code for our DOE-approved Intersections & Connections history, civics, and social studies instructional resources below.

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October 2024 Virtual PL with CTLEs

The Most Important Civil Rights Figure Students Need to Meet: Overview of the interactive, multimedia instructional resources in the Pauli Murray thematic unit with recently curated primary sources from the Papers of Pauli Murray Collection at the Harvard Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute. This session is recommended for US History and US Government classroom teachers.

10/17 from 4:00 - 5:00 PM or 8:00 - 9:00 PM

For US History or Government Teachers and GSA Advisors: Introduction to empowering, multimedia instructional resources to highlight during LGBTQ History Month; an overview of the Spring 2025 Art of the Podcast: Radio Theater Residency; and unpacking the What Is Speech? Thematic Unit and Dramatic Reading. 

10/9, 10/15, or 10/28 from 3:00 - 4:00 PM

Linking History & ELA for a Halloween Treat: Introduction to a cross-disciplinary opportunity to give students a taste of Halloween that is LGBTQ-inclusive. Be sure to bring your favorite sips and snacks! 

10/23 or 10/24 from 7:30 - 8:30 PM

Request Customized PL for Individual Schools or Teacher Teams with CTLEs

Virtual or on-site for the 2024/25 academic year!

- Full Staff Training: Introduction to LGBTQ-inclusive and Intersectional History and Social Studies

- Informational Session for Parents/Caregivers: Developmentally-aligned Curriculum & Language 

- Navigating Complex Conversations / Analyzing Authentic Scenarios

- Teaching LGBTQ-inclusive Curriculum in the ENL/MLL Classroom

- Curriculum Mapping / Scaffolding

- Modeling Lessons and Customized Coaching

- Diversifying Classroom Collections and School Libraries

- Understanding LGBTQ-inclusive Curriculum through Policy and Public Health Lenses

- LGBTQ History Session for GSA Students (single one-hour session)

On-site PL requires a two-week notice - thank you.

Click the button below to request one or more options for your staff.


2024/25 Art of the Podcast: Radio Theater for Students 

Our youth equity podcast project is developed and produced by History UnErased in collaboration with Houses on the Moon Theater Company. Our 2024/25 academic year offers an opportunity for high school US History II or US Government teachers to partner with us to introduce our "What Is Speech?" thematic unit to students and provide students the opportunity to record a "radio theater" using the complementing dramatic reading of an abridged transcript of the oral arguments in the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission (2018) Supreme Court case. 

Students will have the opportunity to record their "radio theater" podcast episode at the Clinton Global Initiative's Media Center.

"What Is Speech?" introduces how a court case advances to the Supreme Court, the procedures and protocols of the Supreme Court, and explores cases involving the First Amendment’s Free Exercise Clause, compelled speech doctrine, and the concept of compelling state (government) interest. The dramatic reading includes a narrator role for historical references and clarifications and prompts for discussion.

High school US History II or US Government teachers can contact us to request an application HERE

Intro video for "What Is Speech?"

Previous Art of the Podcast episodes were the product of a semester-long story-telling process allowing students to amplify their voices and share the stories they want and need to tell. Have a listen to our Pilot Season and Season One!


Relevant Laws and Policies


UnErasing LGBTQ History and Identities: A Podcast for Teachers

Our Pilot and Season One offer real-world advice and reasonable, practical strategies on how you can create LGBTQ-inclusive classrooms and schools. 

Have a listen to "Navigating Pushback with Compassion" featuring Triana Wilson. In this episode, Triana draws on over a decade's experience navigating complex conversations about LGBTQ-inclusive classrooms with parents and caregivers of her new immigrant and refugee students.

Listen to the episode with the transcript here.

This podcast season is funded by the New York City Council and developed by History UnErased in partnership with Making Gay History. To listen to more episodes, click the Podcast button below or find us on Spotify, iHeartRadio, Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, or anywhere you get your podcasts. 


Deep Dives and Backstories Episodes

In Season Two of UnErasing LGBTQ History and Identities: A Podcast for Teachers, you will meet a few history-makers featured in our Intersections & Connections curriculum and learn some fascinating - and empowering - backstories!

Have a listen to "KAPAEMAHU UnErased" to hear the story of the Healer Stones of Kapaemahu and learn about their erasure in the age of American imperialism, as well as current efforts to restore the monument to the healer stones  - and the mahu - to their rightful place in Hawaiian history.

Listen to the episode with the transcript here.

This podcast season is funded by the New York City Council and developed by History UnErased. To listen to more episodes, click the Podcast button below or find us on Spotify, iHeartRadio, Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, or anywhere you get your podcasts.